Dry weather screening Q&A

Q: what is the dry weather screening program?
A: The program is a required element under the Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) program for the city’s Kentucky Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (KPDES) Stormwater Permit compliance. Stormwater discharge is analyzed for common pollutants found in municipal areas. Positive test results are turned over to IDDE staff for source identification and elimination.

Q: When is dry weather screening conducted?
The Dry Weather Screening Program runs during the dry, summer months of the year. Sampling can only be conducted on days that are at least 72 hours after the last rainfall. Sampling is conducted on each outfall twice, with at least 4 hours between sampling events.

Q: Where is the dry weather screening done?
Screening is conducted primarily at stormwater outfalls within the Urban Service Area boundary. Outfall locations are organized by the seven major watersheds that are located in the Urban Service Area.

Q: Why do we have a dry weather screening program? 
The goal of the Dry Weather Screening program is to locate and reduce the amount of pollution in the environment. The program allows for a larger number of outfalls to be screened for pollutants, allows environmental inspectors to concentrate on identified pollution sources, and is a required element for the city’s KPDES permit compliance.

Q: How is dry weather screening conducted?
First, a proper screening location is identified. Then, field test kits are used and samples are taken for analysis. Sampling results and physical characteristics are properly documented on field sheets. Outfall locations with identified pollution will be given to environmental inspectors for resolution. 

Q: What is the IDDE program component of dry weather screening?
When pollution is present at an outfall, an environmental inspector will verify the results, trace the contamination upstream through the storm sewer system to identify the source of the pollution, use the steps of the Enforcement Response Plan to eliminate the discharge, and conduct follow-up screening.
